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Our Mission Statement
We are a grassroots, non-profit organization of united South Carolina vape shops, dedicated to preserving our industry and defending adults’ freedom of choice.
Our coalition is committed to keeping flavors and quality electronic cigarette products on the market and available to adults as an alternative to traditional combustible tobacco.
As a group, we will partner directly with legislators to promote effective, responsible and meaningful regulation to prevent youth access to vaping.
We will work to educate the public about all current and proposed vaping legislation to be aware of and to facilitate ways consumers can make their voices heard. In unity there is strength and we believe that together, we can accomplish our shared mission of protecting the vaping industry in South Carolina.
We need your help to achieve our goal! Whether you are a consumer, business owner or a manufacturer, we need your voice and your support to preserve the vaping industry in our home state.
Please join us in our fight to save vaping today!
Thank you for your support!